Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Adding a nice TeX equations to your Keynote

I just found a way to put TeX equations to my Keynote presentation. Before that I have to rely on either Beamer (writing slides purely in TeX, obviously I'm not geeky enough for this) or using Microsoft Equation with PowerPoint. Since I love how Keynote produce professional high quality slides, I seek a solution to bring the goodness of TeX and the stunning quality of Keynote.

The solution is to use the tool called LaTeXiT, which allows you to compose your equation and drag it down to any desired location of your application.


Compose the equation and paste it any where you like.

However there's an issue with the latest version (at this moment) 1.16. It rendered extra "pxpxpx..." text on your equation! After searching Google, I found someone was having the same problem as me. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/takashyx/20081209/p1 (explanation in Japanese)

Apparently there is an issue with version 1.16 when LaTeX is installed via MacPort. However the older version 1.15 does not have a problem so I use the 1.15 and it works just fine.

It appears that the link for 1.15 on the maker site is dead, so this site above (in Japanese) suggests to download 1.15 from this link:


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